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FOr god and country
America's Largest Veteran's Organization
Serving our
Veterans and Community

William Michael Saunders
American Legion
Del City Post 73

VFW post 9969

5000 S.E. 24TH, DEL CITY, OKLAHOMA 73115
(405) 670-9120

Mr. Bill Boze is the lucky raffle winner of a brand new Henry Repeating Arms Big Boy Lever Action .357 Caliber Rifle. Del City VFW Post 9969 conducted the raffle as a post fund raiser. The winning ticket was drawn by Crystal Fox, a sales associate at King’s Pawn Shop 4225 E. Renoin Del City. “We are very excited for Mr. Boze and thank everyone for their participation. The raffle was a wonderful success.” said Bob Kellington, Post 9969 Commander. Pictured above from left to right are Post members Ed Pulver, Gordon Wheeler, Post Secretary/Treasurer, Crystal Fox, Bob Kellington, Commander, and Gary Grantham, Officer of the Day.
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