FOr god and country
America's Largest Veteran's Organization
Serving our
Veterans and Community

William Michael Saunders
American Legion
Del City Post 73

VFW post 9969

5000 S.E. 24TH, DEL CITY, OKLAHOMA 73115
(405) 670-9120

FOr god and country
America's Largest Veteran's Organization
Serving our
Veterans and Community
William Michael Saunders
American Legion
Del City Post 73

Private First Class – United States Army - Vietnam
William Michael “Mike” Saunders
September 14, 1949 – March 23, 1968
Mike watched the war in Vietnam unfold while he was a student at Del City High School. As the war progressed, he felt bad about being on the sidelines, and believed he needed to do his part for his country. As a result, Mike left high school and enlisted in the Army at the age of 17.
Mike's tour of duty in Vietnam began on December 14, 1967. In January 1968, Mike was shot and wounded. He received a Bronze Star Medal and a Purple Heart, and was returned to duty when his wounds healed.
Mike was posthumously awarded the Silver Star for his gallantry in action two days prior to his death for distinguishing himself during an attack on his battery near Hue, Republic of Vietnam. They were attacked by a numerically superior force of North Vietnamese Army Regulars. Completely disregarding his personal safety, Private First-Class Saunders ran from his bunker to the guns while enemy mortar rounds and rocket propelled grenades were landing all around him. While he was preparing the ammunition for the howitzer, he realized that a member of his battery was helplessly pinned down by enemy fire. Private First-Class Saunders courageously charged through the bullet swept area to the perimeter where he could provide suppressive fire against the enemy forces. He returned through a hail of enemy bullets to the guns and continued to prepare ammunition to be fired on the oncoming enemy. When Private First-Class Saunders saw an enemy grenade rolling into the trench where six members of the battery were working he shouted a warning in order that the men could seek cover, and was fatally wounded by the grenade. Private First-Class Saunders' personal bravery and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit and the United States Army. [General Orders: Headquarters, 101st Air Cavalry Division, General Orders No. 4338 August 3, 1968.]
Mike was a paratrooper in B Battery, 1st Battalion, 321st Field Artillery Regiment 101st Airborne Division. He served for one year and was 18 years old when he died of wounds from a grenade explosion in Thua Thien Province, South Vietnam. Mike is buried at Sunny Lane Cemetery, Del City Oklahoma, in Section 10. Block 2. Row 11 Position 86.
Veterans Service Officer
We have a Veterans Service Officer available Wednesday and Thursday 12pm to 3pm to answer any questions regarding VA claims. For more info please call.
Color Guard
Available for events depending on location. Services include posting of the colors, Flag Folding, Rifle team, and Presenting colors. Including but not limited to sporting events, luncheons, and funerals.
Our Chain of Command
James "Smerf" Martin
Nelson Ryan
1st Vice Commander
Joel Clay
2nd Vice Commander
Sara Featherstone
Tracy Hale
Finance Officer
Kennith Goines
Sargeant at Arms